3 Beautiful Solutions for Crowded Teeth

If you’re struggling with teeth that are too crowded, it can impact the way you look and the way you feel about your smile. There are several factors that may contribute to overly crowded teeth, including the eruption of wisdom teeth or the eruption of permanent teeth that are larger than normal. Fortunately, crowded teeth are a common malady, and good solutions are available. Your dentist in Columbia, SC, can give you more information on how to fix crowded teeth, including three common treatments designed to dazzle.

1. Clear Aligners

Clear aligners include a series of plastic trays that are customized specifically to fit your teeth. Each tray moves teeth more into alignment, until they’re evenly spaced and no longer appear crowded. Clear aligners, such as Invisalign®, are popular because they’re nearly invisible, unlike traditional metal braces. More adults feel comfortable wearing clear aligners for this reason.

2. Lingual Braces

Lingual braces work much like traditional metal braces, except the brackets and wires are attached to the back of your teeth instead of to the front. This makes them more discreet and less likely to show when you smile. Lingual braces are nearly invisible to anyone looking, yet they’re great solutions for straightening overcrowded teeth.

3. Cosmetic Recontouring

Cosmetic recontouring is also known as tooth reshaping, and it works exactly like it sounds. Your dental professional removes a bit of the enamel of your tooth to change its shape and size. Recontouring may be a solution if your teeth are only mildly overcrowded. By making one or more of the teeth smaller, the surrounding teeth have more room to spread out. This, in turn, straightens your teeth and improves the appearance of your smile.

Teeth-Straightening in Columbia, SC

If you’re worried overcrowded teeth are affecting the quality of your smile, Tompkins Orthodontics, with two locations in Columbia, is ready to help. Call today to speak with one of our friendly representatives. We’re always ready to schedule a convenient time for you to come in for an initial consultation. And we’re happy to discuss overcrowded teeth and the many beautiful solutions we offer.

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