Tips for Flossing with Braces

Flossing with braces may seem impossible, particularly if you’re trying to get a teenager to do it every day. The good news is that there are a few ways to ease the pressure and improve the odds of working it into your everyday routine. We’ll look at how some simple adjustments can make a difference.

1. Start with the Right Tools 

Products like waxed floss and floss threaders are usually recommended for people withbraces in Columbia, SC. This is because the unwaxed floss will likely catch on the braces, which can be frustrating as you work through each tooth. There are also floss threaders available that can make it easier to get the floss between the braces and the gum line. Ultimately, the best tools will depend on what type of braces you have, so it’s important to talk to an orthodontist to be certain. The rest of the process is the same: use your pointer fingers to wrap the floss and then the taut line back and forth.

2. Be Patient 

It will take time to gently run the floss through the teeth with a sawing motion. Even more so than regular floss, the whole process will take time. If you rush, you’re more likely to damage the gums, so treating your mouth carefully during your oral hygiene routine is important. This is a matter of instilling habits, meaning running through the motions from the moment the braces are first placed (without skipping even a day) is critical.

3. Work with the Right Orthodontist in Columbia

The rightorthodontist in Columbiacan work with patients of all ages, finding solutions to common problems and helping people find the motivation and learn the skills needed to keep up with their oral care. At Tompkins Orthodontics, our staff can give you advice to help you or your loved one floss at least once a day, every day the braces are on.

Braces are a major investment for most individuals and families. To get the best results, you’ll need to work hard to keep up with daily maintenance. While it may not always be convenient, flossing can be easier when you set yourself up for success.

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