Do Clear Aligners Work For Overbite?

When you visit your orthodontist in Columbia, SC, you may be allowed to use clear aligners rather than braces for your alignment issues. Clear aligners have transformed the field of orthodontics by providing a low-profile treatment approach to patients with a range of dental issues. While clear aligners can’t solve all the problems that traditional braces can, they can resolve some very common troubles, including overbite. Having said that, clear aligners don’t work for every overbite condition.

Mild to Moderate Overbites

Clear aligners can treat overbite depending on the specific circumstances of the patient’s dental structure. However, due to their limitations, clear aligners are primarily used for mild to moderate cases of overbite. For severe cases of overbite, traditional braces far surpass the capabilities of clear aligners. Your orthodontist is the dental professional who is qualified to determine the severity of your overbite.

Partial Treatment With Clear Aligners

If a dental patient with severe overbite has worn traditional-style braces for a time, and the overbite has been successfully brought into a range of mild to moderate, it’s possible to continue treatment with clear aligners. In a hypothetical situation like this, the traditional braces might be able to be safely removed early while the final phase of the treatment continues using clear aligners. Again, only your orthodontist would be able to determine if this kind of treatment is appropriate for your individual circumstances.

Not Ideal For Every Circumstance

In some cases, clear aligners alone may not be sufficient to correct a severe overbite, especially if the issue is rooted in the jaw rather than just the teeth. In such cases, orthodontic treatment might need to be combined with surgical interventions to reposition the jawbones. In other situations, traditional braces alone may be able to treat severe overbite successfully. The best course of action will depend on several factors, including the patient’s age, the severity of the overbite, and other possible factors.

When you visit your orthodontist, you’ll be able to discuss all treatment options, including the possibility of wearing clear aligners in Columbia, SC. Contact Tomkins Orthodontics today to learn everything you need to know about correcting your overbite.

6 Tips for Cleaning Your Invisalign Aligners

One of the biggest mistakes people make is not cleaning their new dental aligners properly or not at all. Don’t let that be you! Yourorthodontist in Columbia, SC, will be the first to tell you the horror stories of neglected dental aligners.

6 Tips for Cleaning Your Invisalign Aligners

Here are six expert tips for cleaning and keeping your dental aligners clean.

1. Rinse Your Aligners

Anytime you remove your aligners, immediately rinse them off. This will remove any saliva, food particles, and bacteria. All this will help prevent dental bacteria and disease.

2. Brush Your Aligners

Your optometrist will tell you to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and specially formulated dental aligner cleaner. This will help gently clean your aligners. Additionally, you should always avoid using toothpaste to clean them because toothpaste is too abrasive.

3. Use Soap and Water

When you’re ready to soak your dental aligners, mix a small amount of clear, unscented dish soap with lukewarm water. Then, soak them in that solution for about 20 minutes or so. You can then remove and rinse them before putting them back in your mouth.

4. Try Vinegar and Water

Vinegar and water also make a great cleaning agent for yourInvisalign dental aligners in Columbia, SC. Just mix one part of white vinegar with three parts of lukewarm water. Then, soak your aligners in that solution for about 20 minutes or so. Then, remove them and rinse them in cold water.

5. Use Invisalign Cleaning Crystals

If you want to deep clean your dental aligners, add Invisalign cleaning crystals to some water and soak your dental trays for about 15 minutes or so. Then, brush and rinse them before putting them back in your mouth. Using the Invisalign cleaning crystals will help remove bad odors, bacteria buildup, and stains from your dental trays.

6. Never Use Hot Water

Never, ever use hot water around your Invisalign trays. That means not drinking anything hot while wearing them, rising, or soaking them in hot water. Doing so will warp the plastic and render it unusable because it will no longer fit properly.

Do You Need an Orthodontist in Columbia, SC?

If you have issues with your dental aligners or have another dental need, pleaseContact Tompkins Orthodontics today. Care for your Invisalign trays properly is critical to your aligners’ performance and overall dental health.

5 False Myths About Invisalign

The field of orthodontics has expanded greatly in the last few decades. There are more tools than ever for your Columbia, SC orthodontist to use for teeth alignment issues. One of the more popular treatment options is Invisalign, a clear aligner that is removable. Invisalign may be appropriate for mild to moderate alignment problems, depending upon individual circumstances. Despite the overall success rate of Invisalign treatment, there are many false myths surrounding Invisalign that need to be cleared up.

1. Only Mild Malocclusions Can be Treated with Invisalign

While it’s true that Invisalign isn’t for severe cases of overbite and underbite, it has been shown to be effective with both mild and moderate malocclusions. Certain other issues, such as gaps in the teeth and crowding, may also respond to treatment with Invisalign aligners.

2. Invisalign Can be Worn For Only a Few Hours

One of the most appealing benefits of Invisalign is that patients can remove the aligner for cleaning, etc. However, there is a minimum number of hours that the aligner must be worn in a 24-hour period in order for it to be effective. Typically, that minimum is 21 hours, although speedier results may happen if the aligner is worn more than that.

3. Oral Hygiene is a Breeze With Invisalign

Traditional braces pose an oral hygiene challenge because they make it harder to remove food debris and bacteria from the teeth. Invisalign is easier in that way, but the aligners must still be cleaned and disinfected three times a day or after eating and drinking. Otherwise, there is still a risk of tooth decay or gum disease.

4. Children Can’t Use Invisalign

There is a line of Invisalign aligners to fit the needs of youngsters. Invisalign isn’t always an option for kids, but sometimes, the dental needs of children and adolescents do respond to treatment with Invisalign.

5. You Must Watch What You Eat

The range of foods you can eat with Invisalign is much broader than with traditional braces. As long as you practice good oral hygiene after eating, there are few foods you can’t enjoy.

If you have alignment issues such as gaps in the teeth, crooked teeth, underbite, or overbite, talk to your orthodontist about Invisalign in Columbia, SC. We are here to help with all of your orthodontic needs.


Common Myths about Clear Dental Aligners

Have you been afraid to talk with your orthodontist in Columbia, SC, about getting clear dental aligners because of the myths you’ve heard? If so, it’s time to restate those myths, so you can get on with straightening your teeth.

Common Myths about Clear Dental Aligners

These are some of the most common myths that prevent people from talking with their orthodontist about getting clear dental aligners in Columbia, SC.

  • Clear Aligners Don’t Work as Well as Metal Braces

Clear aligners work just as well as traditional metal braces for most tooth alignment issues.

  • Clear Aligners Stain Easily

As long as you perform your daily aligner tray cleanings and remove your aligners before you eat or drink anything, your dental aligners will remain clear. And remember, you will be replacing your aligner trays every few weeks anyway.

  • Clear Aligners Cause Tongue Problems (tongue slipping/thrusting)

Tongue thrusting or tongue slipping is when your tongue is pushed forward between your upper and lower teeth when swallowing. Clear aligners are designed to realign your teeth and won’t permanently affect your tongue. You might experience some tongue slipping when you first get your aligners. However, your tongue will adjust after a few days of wearing them.

  • Clear Aligners Take Too Long to Work

This one could be true depending on the amount of correction needed to realign your teeth. With that being said, using clear aligners isn’t a lengthy process. Clear aligners can take anywhere from 10 to 24 months from start to finish for adults and even less for children.

  • Clear Aligners Cause You to Speak with a Lisp

Just like any new dental prosthetic placed in your mouth, clear aligners will take some time to get used to. Therefore, you might notice a mild lisp when you first get your liners, but this is normal and means your aligners are working correctly. Don’t worry, though, the lisp should go away within a few days.

Do You Need an Orthodontist in Columbia, SC?

If you need an orthodontist in Columbia, SC, that you can talk to about getting clear dental aligners, please Contact Tompkins Orthodontics today. We are a family-oriented practice with 26 years of experience. Our office is filled with laughter and friendly faces to help keep you comfortable and relaxed during your visits.

Close up of a happy man using invisible orthodontics

The Pros and Cons of Clear Aligners

Has your dentist in Columbia, SC recommended clear aligners to straighten your teeth? If so, you probably want a little more information about them first. So let’s talk about the pros and cons of clear aligners. This information will help you make a more educated decision about whether clear aligners are the right option for you.

Here are the pros and cons of getting clear aligners in Columbia, SC.

The Pros of Clear Aligners:

  • Invisible

Clear aligners are invisible, so they look cosmetically more appealing than traditional metal braces.

  • Easier to Brush and Floss

Clear aligners are removable, so you can remove them when you are ready to brush and floss your teeth.

  • No Food Restrictions

Unlike traditional metal braces, clear aligners don’t come with any food or drink restrictions because you remove them before eating and drinking. With traditional metal braces, you must avoid hard, sticky foods; otherwise, they will get caught in and could damage your braces.

  • Shorter Overall Treatment Time

Clear aligners will straighten your teeth in about 7-18 months, whereas traditional metal braces take between 20-24 months.

  • More Comfortable Than Traditional Metal Braces

Clear aligners are made of soft plastic, so they are much more comfortable than metal braces because you won’t have metal wires and brackets protruding into your cheeks, gums, and lips.

The Cons of Clear Aligners:

  • Must Be Worn at Least 22 Hours a Day

When opting for clear aligners, you must be self-disciplined enough to wear them at least 22 hours a day, even when you’re sleeping.

  • Not an Option for More Complex Dental Issues

People with more complex dental issues are not candidates for clear aligners.

  • A Bit More Expensive Than Traditional Metal Braces

Clear aligners cost more than traditional metal braces. Your dentist will go over the cost of each option with you.

  • Easier to Lose

Since clear aligners are removable, they are easier to lose. So be mindful of that when you take your aligners out to eat and drink.

Do You Need a Dentist in Columbia, SC?

If you need a dentist in Columbia, SC, please Contact Tompkins Orthodontics today. We have been perfecting smiles in the greater Columbia area since 1966. Our office is warm, comfortable, and inviting and we only use the most advanced dental equipment and techniques to deliver the highest quality dental care possible. We look forward to meeting you!

Is Invisalign Safe If I Have Sleep Apnea?

Invisalign is a dental appliance that works to correct mild to moderate teeth alignment issues. Although it can be removed for eating and special occasions, it’s meant to be worn between 20 and 22 hours a day. Obviously that means it needs to be worn at night, while you sleep. But what if you have sleep apnea? Is it safe to use Invisalign if you have this disorder?

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a common sleep disorder that occurs when breathing is repeatedly interrupted during sleep. This condition can result in snoring, choking, and gasping for breath. Sleep apnea can be caused by several factors, including obesity, smoking, and alcohol consumption. The most common type of sleep apnea in Columbia, SC is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when the muscles in the throat relax and block the airway. Sleep apnea can lead to daytime fatigue, mood changes, and other health problems if left untreated.

Invisalign For Sleep Apnea

Surprisingly, Invisalign offers a novel solution to a widespread sleep disorder. Sleep apnea, characterized by disrupted breathing during sleep, can lead to serious health issues, including heart problems and excessive daytime sleepiness. Traditional treatment options like CPAP machines or bulky oral appliances can be cumbersome and uncomfortable. Invisalign, a discreet, clear aligner system commonly used for teeth straightening, is now being repurposed to treat sleep apnea effectively. Custom-designed Invisalign trays gently reposition the jaw to improve airflow, thus reducing apnea episodes and offering patients a comfortable, non-invasive treatment alternative.

Invisalign For Misaligned Teeth

If you are going to be treated for misaligned teeth and you also have sleep apnea, talk to your orthodontist in Columbia, SC. There may be a way to combine treatments so that your sleep apnea concerns are addressed with the help of Invisalign.

Your orthodontist has many options available to take care of your teeth alignment issues. But it’s less widely known that sleep apnea can also be treated by your dental health care provider. During your next appointment be sure to mention any health issues that you may be experiencing, so that your provider fully understands your situation. To book your next appointment, contact us today.

Is Invisalign a Good Option for Adults?

Usually, when someone mentions the word “braces,” we immediately envision an adolescent with poorly spaced teeth. However, adults often need braces, too. Braces help resolve many issues, and if you never had problems such as tooth crowding or tooth gaps addressed in childhood, you can still fix them today. Essentially, you’re never too old to improve the appearance and functionality of your smile. Often, braces are the solution. Your orthodontist in Columbia, SC, can give you more information on adult braces, including popular options such as Invisalign®.

Why Choose Invisalign for Adults?

The Invisalign system features a series of clear plastic trays that fit snuggly over teeth to correct their position over time. This not only resolves issues with poorly spaced teeth, but it does so in an inconspicuous way. Invisalign is usually a better option for adults than metal braces because it doesn’t announce to the world that you need a dental appliance. Adults usually feel more confident straightening their teeth with clear aligners than they do with more visible options. The Invisalign system straightens teeth faster, too.

Can Anyone Have Invisalign?

If you’re an adult who has good overall oral health, you may be a candidate for the Invisalign system. Factors that may preclude you from clear aligners include:

  • Periodontal disease
  • Tooth decay
  • Misshapen or too-small teeth

You must be willing to wear your clear aligners for a minimum of 20 to 22 hours per day to reap the full benefits. This means you’ll be required to sleep in them and should only take them out for brief interludes, such as when brushing and flossing. Even if you have dental issues that preclude you from benefiting from Invisalign right away, such as gum disease or cavities, with corrective dental work, you may be able to benefit in the future.

Invisalign in Columbia, SC

For more information regarding the benefits and requirements for the Invisalign teeth-straightening system for adults in Columbia, SC, call Tompkins Orthodontics. At Tompkins Orthodontics, we have answers to all your braces-related questions, including whether Invisalign is right for you. Call today to set up a convenient time to come in and meet with our friendly and experienced orthodontist.